Wow! All I can say is “wow”! This week has been the opposite of serenity, but the real challenge has been finding serenity through the insanity. Global pandemic. Worry. Stress. Anxiety. Healing. Hope. Health.
I will be honest – this week has been hard for me. I’m two weeks post op from hip surgery and feeling a bit more independence. I can dress myself. Walk with one crutch. Back to cooking. Moving forward. But, I have not driven yet. Not because I can’t, but I’m afraid to leave the safety of my home (as many of you are). I cannot protect my kids. They are grown, but they are still my babies and live three hours from home. There is serenity through the insanity
Some of my mantras that I have had to repeat to myself so many times over so many experiences and years are part of my internal thoughts daily. Hope is medicine! Worrying about tomorrow only zaps me of my strength tomorrow. Hope allows me to walk through the door into the future. And now…Serenity over insanity. Looking at things from a different perspective – the positivity of what if…
“What if... Amongst all the fear and confusion, there’s this...a different perspective. And, what if... we subscribe to the philosophy that life is always working out for us, that there is an Intelligence far greater than humans at work... That all is interconnected. What if... the virus is here to help us? To reset. To remember. What is truly important. Reconnecting with family and community. Reducing travel so the environment, the skies, the air, our lungs get a break. Parts of China are seeing blue sky and clouds for the first time in forever with the factories being shut down. Working from home rather than commuting to work (less pollution, more personal time). Reconnecting with family and friends. An invitation to turn inwards -- a deep meditation -- rather than the usual extroverted going out to self-soothe. To reconnect with self -- what is really important to me? And, washing our hands -- how did that become a "new" thing? The presence of grace for all. There is a shift underway in our society -- what if this virus is an ally in our evolution? In our remembrance of what it means to be connected, humane, living a simpler life, to be less impactful/ more kind to our environment and neighbors. An offering from my heart as another perspective. Another way of relating to this virus, this unfolding, this evolution. It was time for a change, we all knew that. And, change has arrived. What if...”
- Anonymous
So, take this time to find your mantra. Serenity over insecurity. Hopefulness over helplessness. Positive perspective. Find it. Breathe it. Live it. Inoculate yourself against negativity.