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Differences have to be celebrated and understood. We don't all have the same past experiences, the same personality traits or the same medical issues. We all deal with life's struggles with different sets of lenses. Sometimes those lenses can become foggy with pain, discouragement and a generalized negative attitude of "what now?"

One of the things I notice on many of the social media groups which are focused on hip disorders is that there are very broad patient questions about protocols, procedures and recoveries. Patients want to know how to connect the dots from someone (who they have never met) and another patient's experience to theirs. While I understand the need for social support, hippies need to understand that we all have so many differences and nuances in our hip issues coupled with variations in surgeon techniques and protocols, that those questions ultimately need to be answered by your hip healing team.

You cannot be discouraged because you see other patients who are making such amazing progress quickly and your situation does not mirror theirs.

A colleague shared with me this amazing video/story of a cartoon dad and son the other day. I literally wiped away a tear and got a crinkled up chin look that signifies that my tears are going to flow. In the story, the dad was in a very rigid job where he lacked passion. He was weighed down. The son had passion and creativity, but his differences were not valued or honored. The young son became stifled with the weight of a ton of bricks. But the ultimate end of the story lesson was when dad had an "ah ha" moment. Differences are to be celebrated and honored!

There are so many times that I have this internal whine (i.e. not voiced) with the question, "Why do my hips have to be different?" But this story reminded me of the fact that I have a value greater than having hips that are "alike". They have been the writer for my story. They have taught me patience, resilience and hope. They have taught me that even through recent days that my hips are to be valued for the lessons taught and the lessons learned even though they are different. They will not weigh down my spirit.

Get a tissue out and enjoy the video as you walk on your path to celebrating your unique experiences.

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